¿Vas a comer bistec? Tienes que hacer esta receta de salsa cremosa de pimienta. Si voy a comer el clásico bistec con papas fritas, me encanta agregarle una buena salsa de pimienta. También es genial para pollo, papas o vegetales.
Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
20 minutes
Having steak? You need to make this creamy peppercorn sauce recipe. If I'm having the classic steak frites (steak and fries), I love adding a right peppercorn sauce to it. It's also great for chicken, potatoes or veggies.
2 shallots, finely diced
1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tbsp pink peppercorns
1 tbsp oil
50g butter
100ml brandy
250ml beef stock
1 tbsp green peppercorns
100ml cream
In a saucepan over medium heat, add the black and pink peppercorns and toast until fragrant. This will take 3-5 minutes. Once they're fragrant, pound them in a mortar and pestle until you have a coarse ground pepper consistency. Set aside and place the pot back on medium heat.
- Add the butter and oil to the pot, followed by the shallots. Sauté the diced shallots for 3-4 minutes until fully cooked with a pinch of salt.
- Add the ground pepper from earlier back to the pot and stir through the sautéed shallots, followed by the brandy. Be careful when you add the brandy to the pot; it's probably going to flambe, so it will get very hot, and there might be some large flames coming from the pot.
- Once all the alcohol has burnt off from the brandy, add the beef stock and reduce by half.
- Finish the sauce by checking the salt levels and adding the cream, stirring it through until you have a lovely, velvety sauce.