Estos ñoquis fritos son muy suaves, pero la cocción les da un poco de textura en el exterior. Acompañados con calabaza, salvia y piñones, es un plato simple pero extremadamente sabroso.
Prep time
30 minutes
Cook time
40 minutes
This pan-fried gnocchi is so soft but the pan fry gives it a little bit of texture on the outside. Paired with butternut squash, sage and pine nuts, it's a simple but extremely tasty dish.

- 250g flour
- 350ml water
- 40g pecorino grated
- 170g unsalted butter
- 5 eggs
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 tbsp seeded mustard
- small bunch parsley, finely sliced
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/4 butternut squash, diced
- 2 tbsp butter
- 20g pine nuts
- 10 sage leaves
To make the gnocchi, add the water, butter and a pinch of salt to a pot and bring to a simmer.
- Then add the flour and whisk until you have a smooth paste.
- Turn the heat off and let the pot sit for 5 minutes to cool slightly.
- Add the eggs one at a time, whisking until smooth after each one.
- Once all the eggs are in the dough, add the parsley and mustard, and mix well.
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add the dough to a piping bag and pipe in the dough cutting every 2-3cm. Once they float to the top, let them cook for 3 more minutes before removing them. Drain and place onto an oiled tray.
- Sauté the butternut squash in olive oil until tender. Remove and then add some more olive oil and the gnocchi to the pan. Once you have some colour, add the butter and let it brown.
- Next add sage leaves, pinenuts, and squash back to the pan and finely the rest of the parsley.
- Serve and enjoy!