¿Tienes antojo de pan con ajo? ¡Esto es mejor! Si te sobra masa de pizza (o quieres hacer un poco de masa), haz pequeños nudos con ella, hornéalos hasta que estén dorados y crujientes por fuera, pero aún suaves en el medio, y cúbrelos con una salsa de ajo y mantequilla.
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Prep time
2 hours
Cook time
35 minutes
Craving garlic bread? This is better! If you have leftover pizza dough (or want to make some dough) turn it into small knots, baked them until golden and crispy on the outside but still soft in the middle and smother it in a buttery garlic sauce.
- 2 pizza dough balls
- 100g (3.5 oz) butter
- 1 head of garlic, crushed
- 1 tsp chilli flakes
- a small handful of basil, finely chopped
- flaky salt, to taste
- olive oil
Cut each pizza dough ball into 5 strips, roll the strips out and cut into pieces around 10cm (about 4 inches) long, then tie into a knot. Place the knots onto a well-oiled tray, cover, and leave to prove for 1.5-2 hours, or until they have doubled in size.
- Once doubled in size, brush with olive oil and bake in a 190°C (375°F) oven for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through.
- While they are baking, in a pot add the butter, chopped garlic, salt, and chilli flakes. Cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat before removing from the heat and adding the basil.
- Once the knots come out of the oven, add them to a bowl and pour over the butter mixture. Toss well and serve while still warm.