Ein Sommerklassiker! Wenn ich Tintenfisch mit Salz und Pfeffer auf der Speisekarte sehe, bestelle ich ihn. Es ist ein ziemlich einfaches Gericht, das man zu Hause zubereiten kann. Probieren Sie es also bei Ihrer nächsten Veranstaltung aus und beeindrucken Sie Ihre Freunde.
Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
15 minutes
A summer classic! If I see salt and pepper squid on the menu, I'm ordering it. It's a pretty quick dish to make at home, so give this a try for your next event to impress your mates.

- 500g squid, sliced on an angle, not too thick
- 1 egg
- salt
- ground white pepper
- 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
- 300g rice flour
- 4 cloves garlic, finely diced
- 1 red chilli, sliced thin
- 1 spring onion, sliced thin with white and green separated
- 700ml peanut oil for frying
Preheat a deep fryer or deep frypan with peanut oil to 180°C.
- Add the squid to a bowl with the egg, salt, white pepper and Chinese cooking wine and mix well.
- Toss the squid slices in the rice flour mixture until they are completely coated. Leave on a wire rack until ready to cook.
- Once the oil is hot, fry the squid in batches until golden brown and crispy.
- In a wok over medium heat, add the garlic, spring onion whites, salt and white pepper and toss.
- Make sure the cooked squid is drained well and add to the wok. Add the red chilli and spring onion greens, salt and white pepper and toss.
- Serve and enjoy!