Im Sommer habe ich immer Zitronencreme im Kühlschrank. Sie schmeckt hervorragend auf Toast, mit Joghurt und als Nachtisch. So mache ich sie.
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Prep time
10 minutes
Cook time
10 minutes
I always have lemon curd in the fridge over the holidays. It's great on toast, with yoghurt, for dessert or as a gift. Here's how I make mine.
- 2 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 80g (2.8 oz) unsalted butter
- 160g (5.6 oz) sugar
- Juice and zest of 2 lemons
Start by adding the eggs and egg yolks to a saucepan and whisk until well combined.
- Add the butter, sugar, lemon juice, and zest into the pot with the eggs, placing it over medium heat.
- Stir the mixture constantly. Continue to cook until the butter melts and the sauce starts to thicken, becoming glossy and smooth.
- Transfer the curd into clean glass jars, allowing it to cool to room temperature before securing the lids.
- Once cooled and the lids are on, the lemon curd can be stored in the fridge, where it will last for up to a month.