Brauchen Sie eine Rezeptidee für Weihnachtsreste? Dies ist mein Weihnachts-Bubble-and-Squeak mit Schinken, Kartoffeln, Karotten und Rosenkohl, aber Sie können dieses Gemüse durch alles ersetzen, was Sie von Ihrem Chrissie-Mittagessen übrig haben.
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Prep time
10 minutes
Cook time
20 minutes
Need a Christmas leftover recipe idea? This is my Christmas leftover bubble and squeak that uses roast beef, potato, carrot, stuffing and Brussels sprouts, but you can swap these out for anything you have leftover from your Chrissie lunch.
- 6 roast potatoes
- an equal amount of leftover vegetables to the potatoes
- optionally, 300g (about 10.5 oz) of leftover roast meat
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp oil
Place the leftover roast potatoes, vegetables, and meat (if using) in a medium-sized non-stick or cast-iron frying pan. Set the heat to medium. Mash all the vegetables together using a potato masher. If your meat is low in fat, add the oil at this stage. If it's high in fat, wait until the fat is rendered before adding more oil.
- After mashing the potatoes and mixing everything together, firmly press the mixture into the pan to form one thick pancake-like shape.
- Fry the bubble and squeak gently for 15-20 minutes. This slow cooking helps develop caramelisation and ensures everything is warmed through.
- Carefully flip the bubble and squeak out of the pan. Then, in the same pan, fry your eggs to serve on top of the bubble and squeak.