Aprende a fermentar tu propio chucrut en casa. Es una receta clásica, pero puedes modificarla para adaptarla a tus gustos y añadir otras verduras o semillas. Puede que tarde un poco en fermentar, pero es realmente delicioso, así que creo que vale la pena.
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Prep time
500 hours
Cook time
0 minutes
Learn how to ferment your own sauerkraut at home. This is a classic recipe but you can tweak it to suit your tastes and other veg or seeds in there. It might take a while to ferment but it's really delicious so I think it's worth it.
Cut the cabbage in half, remove the core, then slice thinly.
- Weigh the cabbage, then weigh 20g of salt for every 1kg of cabbage.
- Working in batches, sprinkle the salt evenly over the cabbage and then massage it in well. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
- Next, add the caraway seeds and mix well.
- Pack the cabbage mixture into a glass or ceramic jar and cover it. Leave it in a cool, dark spot to ferment for 3 weeks, making sure you let any gas out daily to avoid an explosion.
- After 3 weeks, it's ready to eat. At that point, store it in the fridge and enjoy!
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Recipe notes
500 hours equals 3 weeks.