Heute kochen wir ein philippinisches Gericht namens Adobo. Wenn Sie es noch nicht probiert haben, müssen Sie es unbedingt auf Ihre Liste setzen. Es hat so viel Geschmack und das Schweinefleisch ist extrem zart und saftig.
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Prep time
30 minutes
Cook time
2 hours
Today we’re making a Filipino dish called adobo. If you haven’t tried it before, you need to add it to your list. It has so much flavour and the pork comes out extremely tender and juicy.
- Ingredients
- 1.2kg pork belly
- 5 tbsp coconut vinegar
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 4 tbsp dark soy
- 4 tablespoons light soy
- 8 cloves garlic, diced
- 4 bay leaves
- 400ml water
- Spring onion for garnish
Dice your pork belly into roughly 3cm cubes.
- Marinate your diced pork belly with the white vinegar, sugar, dark soy, light soy, garlic and bay leaves for 1-6 hours.
- Drain the pork belly from the marinade. In a large heavy-based pot, brown off the pork belly so you have good colour on all sides.
- Once your pork belly is nicely browned, add the marinade to the pot with the water. Bring this to a simmer, turn to low and cook for 1.5 hours or until the pork is super tender.
- For the last 30 minutes, take the lid off the pot so the sauce reduces and becomes nice and sticky.
- Serve your pork adobo with rice and some optional spring onion as garnish.