Ich glaube, gebratener Reis ist eines meiner liebsten Gerichte, die man schnell und einfach zu Hause zubereiten kann. Wenn Sie die Grundlagen der Zubereitung von großartigem gebratenem Reis kennen, können Sie das Gemüse, das Sie verwenden, an das anpassen, was Sie im Kühlschrank haben. So bereite ich zu Hause gebratenen Reis nach chinesischer Art zu.
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Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
10 minutes
I think fried rice is one of my favourite quick and easy dishes to make at home. Once you know the basics of how to make a great fried rice, you can tweak the veg you use to whatever is in your fridge. Here's how I make a Chinese-style fried rice at home.
- ½ cup frozen peas
- ½ cup corn kernels (off the cob)
- 3 spring onions, sliced thinly, whites and greens kept separate
- 1 carrot, finely diced
- 200g ham, diced (approximately 7 oz)
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp MSG
- ¼ tsp white pepper
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 3 cups cooked jasmine rice, completely cooled in the fridge overnight
- 3 tbsp neutral-flavoured oil
Place a wok over high heat. Once the wok is hot, add some of the neutral-flavoured oil.
- When the oil just starts to smoke, add the beaten eggs and stir-fry until they are 80% cooked. Remove the eggs from the wok and set aside.
- Add a bit more oil to the wok. Once the oil is hot, add the carrot and stir-fry for one minute.
- Add the peas and corn to the wok and stir-fry for another minute, trying to build a bit of wok hei (the distinct flavour from high-heat wok-frying) onto the vegetables.
- After 1-2 minutes, remove the vegetables from the wok and set them aside with the eggs.
- Place the wok back on the heat and add the diced ham.
- Add the rice along with sugar, salt, and MSG. Stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, ensuring the rice is nicely broken up.
- Add both types of soy sauce to the wok and toss well, along with the greens of the spring onions.
- To serve, you can place a few spring onions at the bottom of a bowl, pile in the rice, and then turn the bowl out onto another plate for a fancy presentation.